SCILA at the AINL Conference 2020
SCILA researchers presented two papers at the 9th conference on Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language (AINL 2020), which took place from 7 to 9 October 2020.

APSA Annual Meeting 2020
SCILA research fellow Kirill Bryanov gave a talk at the 116th American Political Science Association Annual Meeting & Exhibition, which was held as an online-conference from the 9th to the 13th of September.

SCILA at the Computing Conference 2020
16-17 July our research fellow Vera Ignatenko was participating in the Computing Conference 2020, which has been held in London every year since 2013.

Online Workshop "Fixed and Random Effects Models in Social Studies and Psychology" at SCILA
29 June - 3 July SCILA was holding a learning workshop for researchers "Fixed and Random Effects Models in Social Studies and Psychology". Amazing speakers Ivan Ivanchei and Boris Sokolov told our participants about all nuances of multilevel modeling.

SCILA’s academic supervisor
Since June 22, 2020, Professor Paolo Rosso has officially taken the responsibilities of SCILA’s academic supervisor. Paolo Rosso is a full professor at the department of Information Systems and Computation of Polytechnical university of Valencia, Spain, where he also heads Natural Language Engineering research group within Pattern Recognition and Human Language Technologies Research Centre (PRHLT).
SCILA team has finished the experiment on fakes in social netwoks
Laboratory for Social and Cognitive Informatics has finished the online experiment related to the fake news detection. Approximately 10 000 people took part in it.