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Our Team

Laboratory Management

PhD in Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, St. Petersburg School of Social Sciences and Humanities , HSE – St. Petersburg.

Research Interests: sociology of the Internet and of mass communication, sociology of advertising, political communication, internet data analysis, internet community, online interpersonal communication, online social networks, text mining, big data analysis and modeling, clustering, mathematical algorithms, sociolinguistic algorithms.

Email: ekoltsova@hse.ru
MA of neurolinguistics, PhD in Philology.

Research interests: neurolinguistics, cognitive linguistics, eye movements during text perception, experimental research methods, natural language processing, embodied cognition.

E-mail: edartemenko@hse.ru, nekrasovaed@yandex.ru


Ekaterina Zabrudskaya

Research Fellows

Sergey Koltsov

Leading Research Fellow

PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Department of Informatics, St. Petersburg School of Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science. Academic Supervisor of the programme 'Applied Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence', HSE – St. Petersburg.

Research Interests: Machine learning in sociology, topic modeling, text sentiment analysis, neural networks, Internet research, Statistical physics, statistical theory of complex systems and its applications for processing big data from social networks, R language, Python, Delphi, Visual Studio c++, 3D technology (OpenGl), algorithmics, project management, OpenMP, CUDA, OpenCL technologies.

Email: kol-sergei@yandex.ru
Larisa Mararitsa

Head of Laboratory for Evidence-Based Psychology of Health and Well-Being

Phd in Social psychology, Associate Professor, Department of Social Psychology, St. Petersburg State University .

Research Interests: computational psychology, cognitive social psychology, social capital, online communication, social intelligence, networking strategies, group psychology.

Email: larisamararitsa@mail.ru
Vera Ignatenko

Research Fellow

PhD in mathematics.

Research interests: topic modeling, data analysis, machine learning, dynamical systems.

Email: veraignatenko93@gmail.com
Yadviga Sinyawskaya

Research Fellow

PhD in Sociology, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Sociology, St. Petersburg School of Social Sciences.

Research Interests: Internet Studies, social psychology, online communication and online behavior, online privacy, SNA, online experiments.

Email: yasinyawskaya@mail.ru
Elina Tsigeman

Junior Research Fellow

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Sociology, St. Petersburg School of Social Sciences.

Research Interests: personality traits, working memory, learning, spatial abilities.

E-mail: tsigeman.es@gmail.com
Anton Surkov

Junior Research Fellow

Msc in Machine Learning and Data-Intensive Systems, QTM project participant.

Research Interests: data analysis, mathematical modeling of multilingual datasets.

Email: aysurkov@hse.ru
Doctoral student at Doctoral School of Sociology, National Research University Higher School of Economics St. Petersburg.

Research interests: social attitudes, implicit research methods, methodology and methods of sociological and socio-psychological research.

E-mail: aleksiiahse@gmail.com
Alexey Ryabykh

Research Intern

MIPT Postgraduate, Moscow.

Research interests: time series forecasting, casual inference, nature language processing, financial data & news, discrete optimization.
Ksenia Kupitman

Research Intern

Bachelor's student in the Physics program, Higher School of Economics St. Petersburg.

E-mail: kmkupitman@edu.hse.ru
Sofia Popova

Research Intern

Vladimir Zaharov

Research Intern

Bachelor's degree student in Applied Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence, HSE
Daria Gracheva

Research Intern

Research interests: social psychology, social networks and Internet communication, political sociology, youth sociology.

Email: drgracheva@edu.hse.ru
Alena Chemulova

Research Intern

Master of Science in Social Data Science, University of Oxford

Research interests: social data analysis, natural language processing
Rayeesa Mehmood

Research Fellow

Research interests: Coputer Science, Machine and Deep Learning


Maxim Likhanov

PhD in Linguistics, Postdoc at the National Key Laboratory for Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University.
Research interests: individual differences in education, spatial ability, anxiety, network psychometrics and neuroscience.

E-mail: maximus.minimus@mail.ru
PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Psychology, St. Petersburg State University.

Research interests: interpersonal relationships, attachment in adulthood, quality of close relationships.

E-mail: tatakaz@mail.ru
Maxim Terpilowski

Phd in Biology.

Research interests: machine learning, big data analysis.
Mikhail Yatsenko

PhD, Biology; associate professor of the Department of General and Applied Psychology of the Altai State University.

Research interests: psychophysiological and neurophysiological studies of mental performance; study of brain color photostimulation effects on memory and attention indicators in normal children and in children with ADHD; neurophysiological correlates of implicit processes.
Xenia Leontyeva

MA in Sociology, PhD in Economics, PhD candidate at Georgia State University, USA.

Research Interests: economics of the film industry, gender studies in cinema, social networks.


Olga Gundelah

Research interests: cognitive social psychology, social psychology of communication, organizational social psychology, virtual communication, subjective well-being.

E-mail: oolgabbelova@gmail.com

Past Research Fellows and Collaborators

Kliegl Reinhold

PhD in Psychology, Senior professor of psychology at the University of Potsdam, Germany

Research Interests: Eye movements, Microsaccades, Attention, Working memory, Reading, Data analysis and modeling, Cognitive aging.
Associate Professor, School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Computer Science, HSE, Research Fellow, International Laboratory for Intelligent Systems and Structural Analysis, Faculty of Computer Science, HSE, PhD in Mathematical Sciences

Research Interests: Formal Concept Analysis, Frequent (Closed) Sets and Association Rules Mining, Biclustering, Triclustering and Multi-dimensional Clustering, Graph Mining, Educational Data Mining, Recommender Systems, Analysing Social Resource Sharing and Crowdsourcing Systems.
Polina Panicheva

PhD in Philology, Head of the Laboratory of the Voronezh State Pedagogical University.

Research interests: computational linguistics
Svetlana Alekseeva

PhD in Philology, senior researcher at the Institute for Cognitive Research, Saint Petersburg State University.

Research Interests: Psycholinguistics, corpus linguistics, and computational linguistics.
Kirill Bryanov

Ph. D. in Media and Public Affairs, Senior Editor at Binance, Dubai.

Research interests: political communication, media effects, online platforms politics, experimental methods, data analysis.
Victoria Vzyatysheva

PhD student, Institute of Communication and Media Studies, University of Bern.

Research Interests: sociology of the Internet and of mass communication, media effects.
Head of the Machine Intelligence Laboratory at MIPT, Head of the Department "Intelligent Systems" of the Computing Center of the Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of RAS, prof. of the dep. "Intelligent Systems" MIPT, Assoc. prof. "Mathematical Methods of Forecasting" CMC MSU, Deputy Director for Science, Forexis.

Research interests: mathematical methods.
Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Mathematical Logic of the St.-Petersburg Department of the Steklov Mathematical Institute, Research Director, Surfingbird
Adjunct Professor, Academic University, St. Petersburg, PhD in Mathematics.

Research Interests: Probabilistic graphical models, machine learning, recommendation systems, bioinformatics, computational complexity theory, theoretical cryptography, circuit complexity, algebra (Chevalley groups), and algebraic geometry (theory of motives).
Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor of the Department of Mass Communications Management, St. Petersburg State University.

Research Interests: Media and politics, social media communication, online deliberation, social media and ethnicity, social media journalism standards.
PhD in Computer Science, Full Professor, Dept. of Computer Systems and Computation, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain.

Research Interests: Natural language processing (NLP), social media analysis.
Peter Meylakhs

Senior Research Fellow, International Centre for Health Economics, Management, and Policy, St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management, HSE – St. Petersburg, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, St. Petersburg School of Social Sciences and Humanities, HSE – St. Petersburg, Research Fellow, Center for Independent Social Research, St.Petersburg, PhD in Sociology.

Research Interests: netnography, sociology of health and illness, e-health, public health, cultural sociology, sociology of social problems, sociology of deviance, social aspects of drug abuse, social aspects of HIV and Hepatitis C, sociology of mass communication, socio-cultural theory of risk, social theory, and qualitative methods.
Iskander Yasaveyev

PhD in Sociology.

Research Interests: Construction of social problems and deviance, sociology of mass communication, and history of sociology in Kazan.
Senior Research Fellow, the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research, HSE – Saint Petersburg, Head of Department of Political Science and International Affairs St. Petersburg School of Social Sciences and Humanities, HSE – Saint Petersburg, PhD in Political Science.

Research Interests: Political economy, regional studies, and youth policy.
Ekaterina Pronoza

MA in Applied Informatics, St Petersburg University, Invited Researcher, data science engineer - DINS.

Research interests: computational linguistics, data analysis, machine learning
Alexander Porshnev

PhD in Psychology and an MSc in Computer Science. Postdoctoral Researcher, Maynooth University.

Research Interests: Mathematical models and data mining in psychology, marketing and management (including social network analysis, cluster, factor, regression analysis and machine learning methods). Decision-making methods and decision-making psychology, Natural language processing, Pedagogical psychology, Cross-cultural psychology, Mental processes and states.
Senior Research Fellow of the Laboratory for Studies in Economic Sociology, Senior Lecturer:Faculty of the Department of Economic Sociology

Research Interests: economic sociology, sociology of the Internet and of mass communication.
Murat Apishev

Senior Data Analyst at Sber, PhD of Technical Sciences

Research interests: topic modeling and parallel machine learning algorithms
Anastasia Shimorina

NLP Research Engineer, CNRS, LORIA (Nancy, France)

Research Interests: Computational linguistics, lexicography, lexical semantics, and corpus linguistics.
Olga Mitrofanova

Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Linguistics, Faculty of Philology, Saint Petersburg State University, PhD in Philology

Research Interests: Mathematical models of language, computational linguistics, corpus linguistics, linguistic semantics, formal semantics, and automatic lexicography.
Kirill Maslinsky

PhD in History, Head of the Laboratory for Digital Studies of Literature and Folklore, Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) RAS

Research Interests: educational anthropology, corpus linguistics, automatic text processing, and the Soviet school.
Vladimir Pyrlik

PhD in Economics, Junior Researcher CERGE-EI (Prague), Data scientist, MSD, Prague.

Research interests: financial markets, financial econometrics, financial time series, global financial crises.
Ksenia Bartseva

Researcher at the Laboratory of Behavioral Neurodynamics of St. Petersburg State University.

Research Interests: cognitive sciences, spatial abilities, eye tracking method, experimental methods.
Maria Melnikova

MA in Social psychology.

Research interests: digital footprints, social signature, psychology of communication and group studies of social networks, research and development of communities, mental health, big data analysis.
Evgenia Аlenina

PhD student at Doctoral School of Cognitive Science HSE University, Moscow.

Research Interests: cognitive psychology, individual differences in personality traits and learning, functional connectivity, mental fatigue.
Hamid Keshavarz

PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Science, Faculty of Education & Psychology, Shahid Beheshti University (Tehran, Iran)

Research interests: false information, Information Retrieval, Social Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction, behavioral decision making, social media, online communication.
Ph. D., Research Fellow, Department of Management of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems, University of Bamberg (Germany).
Research interests: political communication, public sphere, social media, machine learning.

E-mail: pashakhin@gmail.com
Yuri Rykov

Research Fellow at Neuroglee Therapeutics, Singapore.
Research Interests: Digital health, digital phenotyping, online communities and health behavior, online health communication, health informatics, social capital and health, social contagion, social network analysis, Internet Studies, Web Science, social inequality, online communication.

Email: rykyur@gmail.com

Alumni of the Internship and Volunteer Programme

Taisia Ulyanova

Master student of the program "Cognitive science: Embodied cognition", University of Potsdam, Germany.

Research interests: cognitive psychology, development of experimental design, psychophysiological experimental methods, study of eye movements during text perception.
Olesya Ilyina

Research Interests: Sociology of the Internet, Privacy Studies, Sociology of Education.
Programmer, data scientist, Sber.

Research interests: Internet data analysis, text mining, natural language processing, social networks analysis, social theories.
Galina Selivanova

Researcher at the University of Bonn.

Research Interests: social movements, internet and social networks research, democratization, political participation.
Eleonora Kirkizh

Researcher at GESIS – Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences, Department of Computational Social Science., MA in Political Science (University of Mannheim, Germany).

Research Interests: Mass communication, the Internet, social media, conflicts, and migration.
Olga Dornostup

BA Student, Department of economics, St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management, HSE – St. Petersburg.
Head of Student Office, Faculty of Sociology, HSE – St. Petersburg.

Research Interests: Sociology of Mass Communications, Sociology of Mass Media, Sociology of Youth, Methods of Sociological Research, Political Sociology.
PhD student в University of Pennsylvania.

Research Interests: Automatic text analysis, sociology of science, and social theory.
Elena Dracheva

Project Manager, Association for Co-operation with Nordic Countries ‘NORDEN’ , St.Petersburg, MA in Political Science (HSE – Saint Petersburg).
Anna Daviy

PhD student, School of Business Administration, Faculty of Business and Management, HSE
Lecturer, Department of Management, St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management.

Research interests: Marketing research, marketing practices of emerging markets, and strategic marketing.
Viktoria Seneva

Manager of advertising projects, Дневник.ру.

Research Interests: Educational programmes and cultural economics.
Semen Sorokin

TL Data Science, seniour team lead ZERO Armenia.

Research Interests: language picture of the world, word embedding, NLP.
Ilias Suleimanov

Master student of the program "Financial Technologies and Data Analysis", HSE Moscow.

Research interests: Machine learning in Time Series and NLP
Lilia Faizova

Master student of the program "UX-analytics and design of information systems", NRU HSE St. Petersburg.

Scientific interests: interface research, using eyetracker methods, ux-analytics.
Arslan Arslanbekov

Master student of the program "Modern social analysis", St. Petersburg School of Social Sciences and Oriental Studies.

Research interests: computer-mediated communication, virtual reality communication, sociology of everyday life, data analysis in Python and R.
Vasilii Khodakovskii

Graduate of the MA program "Contemporary social analysis", HSE St. Petersburg.

Research interests: data analysis, network analysis, sociology of migration.
Anastasia Murach

Graduate of the MA program "Contemporary social analysis", HSE St. Petersburg.
Anastasia Zhitkova

Daniil Tikhonov

Zahar Kondaurov

Research Intern

Natalia Hazova

Research Intern


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