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ICA "Computational Communication Research in Central and Eastern Europe", 2022
ICA regional conference on Computational Communication Research in Central and Eastern Europe helld by SCILa in Helsinki, Finland, on June 27-29, 2022. The goal of the conference was to consolidate the Central and Eastern European community of computational communication scholars and contribute to its closer integration with the global community, both within and beyond current ICA membership.

Social Informatics, 2018

The International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo18) is an interdisciplinary venue that brings together researchers from the computational and social sciences interested in joint research of socio-technical phenomena. The goal of the conference is to provide a forum to help scholars from the two disciplines define common research objectives and explore methodologies.
Social Media and Social Movements, 2014
The conference is aimed at the emerging – and vibrant – interdisciplinary community of scholars interested in digital society – a society where social life is embedded in rapidly developing communication technologies and media. In 2014 we focused on how social movements had been transformed by user-generated online activities and what impact these transformed movements had on broader social processes. 

New media: changing media landscapes, 2012

The international conference “New media: changing media landscapes” was held at St.-Petersburg campus of Higher School of Economics, Russia, on September 27-28, 2012. The conference was aimed at bringing together academics and professionals in the sphere of new and convergent media. It focused on, but was not limited to the changes in the Baltic Searegion and covered a broad range of topics connected to the interplay of “new” and “old” media.


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