Applications are open until 13 August 2024 for the IRCSS school
The School of Interdisciplinary Research in Cognitive and Social Sciences (IRCSS) will be held from 25-27 September 2024 in Saint Petersburg.

Applications for the International School & Conference on Artificial Intelligence are open until May 28, 2024.
The Summer School, organized by the Laboratory for Social and Cognitive Informatics and the Department of Informatics at HSE University in St. Petersburg, will take place from July 1 to July 7, 2024.
Sinyavskaya Jadwiga's Ph.D. Thesis Pre-defense
On December 19, a pre-defense of Sinyavskaya Jadwiga’s Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Privacy strategies in the social network Vkontakte and their role in the formation of individual social capital” took place.