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Larisa Mararitsa

Senior research fellow,Phd in social psychology, executive commitee member in Humantech company (Digital Freud)


Research interests
 computational psychology, cognitive social psychology, social capital, online communication, social intelligence, networking strategies, group psychology


2007: PhD in Social psychology (candidate), Saint-petersburg State University (SpbU). The cognitive effects of decisions making in group

2003: Higher education degree (specialist) in Social psychology. Saint-petersburg State University (SpbU). Psychosemantic determinants of a sociometrical choice.


Publications (selected)




  • Individual Social capital (with Pochebut L.G., Sventsinskii A.L., Kazantseva T.V.,Kuznetsova I.V.). Мoscow. – INFRA_M, 2014, 250 p.


Research Articles


  • Titov S., Mararitsa L., Sinyavskaya Y. (2019) (in preparation) Social signature phenomenon on virtual social network users’ data.Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.    Download abstract(PDF, 255 Кб)
  • Altruistic investment as a personal networking strategy (with Pochebut L.G., Sventsinskii A.L., Kazantseva T.V.), International Journal of Psychology, 2016. Vol.51 No.S1, Pp. 1061-1062.    Download abstract (PDF, 26 Кб)
  • Individual Strategies of Managing Social Capital: a New Look at the Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships (with Pochebut L.G.) // Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2013, V. 86, P. 557-562.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.08.613
  • Altruistic investment as a networking strategie: construct validity of a scale [in Russian: Altruisticheskoe investirovanie kak networking strategiya lichnosti: razrabotka i proverka konstruktivnoy validnosti shkaly] (with Pochebut L.G.,Sventsinskii A.L., Kazantseva T.V.) //  Sotcial'naia psichologia i obshestvo, 2019 (accepted)
  • Gender inequality as a factor of women career capital [in Russian: Gendernoe neravenstvo kak factor kar'ernogo kapitala zhenchtchini] (with Kazantseva T.V., Gurieva S.D.)// Psychologia cheloveka v obrazovanii. 2019 (accepted)
  • The contribution of an individual to the group social capital: the structure of altruistic investment [in Russian: Vklad lichnisti v sotcial'nii kapital gruppi: structura altruisticheskogo investirovania](with Pochebut L.G.,Sventsinskii A.L., Kazantseva T.V.) // Sotcial'naia psichologia i obshestvo. 2018, №1. p. 43-66. 
  • Individual social environment in the digital era [in Russian: Sotsial'nii mir cheloveka v epokhu sotsial'nikh setei Социальный мир человека в эпоху виртуальных социальных сетей] (with Titov S.M.) // Informatsionnoe obtchestvo. 2017. №2. p. 30-36.








Research projects

  1. «Gender inequality as a factor of women career capital», Russian Foundation for basic research, 2019-2021, executor
  2. Independent research project «Digital psychology» in collaboration with «Humanteq» company, the development of research application «Digital Freud», since 2018, principal investigator.
  3. «Social signature: replication of the phenomenon on virtual social network data», Preregistration challenge, OSF, 2017, head of the project.
  4. «The networking strategies of social capital formation on Social networking sites»,Russian Foundation for Humanities, 2017-2019, executor.
  5. «The ability to social networking as an aspect of individual social intelligence», RF President grantfor young scientistsand PhD students, 2014-2015, project leader.
  6. «Personal determinants of prosocial behavior and social capital formation»,Russian Foundation for Humanities, 2014-2016 гг, executor.
  7. «Students' deviant behavior in the Internet:psychological aspects»,Russian Foundation for Humanities, 2012-2014, executor.


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