Information perception & adoption - completed projects
Project Leader: Viktoria Vzyatyshcheva
This project is dedicated to studying how misinformation is perceived by the presumably most competent audience – media professionals.
FAKENEWS-m (Advanced modeling of fake news perception), 2019-2021
Project leader: Reinhold Kliegl
This project is a spin-off of the earlier research supported by the grant from the Russian Science Foundation No 19-18- 00206 in 2019-2021. The project focuses on the in-depth analysis of the data collected in the previous research with advanced innovative methods.
FakeNews (Political News on Russia and Its Neighbors on Social Media: Major Content Features, Factors of Trust and News Truthfulness Detection by Users of Different Countries (RSF), 2019-2021
Project leader: Olessia Koltsova
FakeNews project aims to study how people perceive online news and how they orient in a growing sea of virtually unverifiable information; to what degree they are vulnerable to fake news and what influences their ability to detect them. We plan to develop a model of authenticity perception and find factors influencing the ability to detect deception in a situation of varying tension between countries under news coverage.
The influence of ways of emphasizing news on the perception of its importance, 2020-2021
Project leader: Kirill Bryanov
The trust of news consumers in content and the ability of news media (professional media, social networks) to select among the most critical events and report them determines people's behavior and processes in society. If and when media or online social media substitute attention to socially important events with attention to events selected according to other principles, negative societal consequences are possible. It is necessary to understand which ways of convincing readers of the importance of a particular news agenda have the most significant impact on the audience to prevent undesired effects. This project explores markers of the importance of the online news agenda ascribed by media and audiences.
NewsOn (Socio-political News Spread in Russian Language Online Social Network), 2018-2020
Project leader: Sergey Koltsov
The goal of this research is to identify mechanisms that drive dissemination of professionally produced public affairs news across a Russian-language online social network (represented by VKontakte). The research investigates which features of messages, users and network topology influence this process, and which of them contribute to emergence of information cascades. The main anticipated result of this project is a model describing parameters of such cascades and the knowledge about the role of various factors in their generation.
Ukris (The Representation of Ukrainian Crisis in News: Frame Analysis with Topic Modelling), 2015-2017
Project leader: Olessia Koltsova
Media framing is an important issue in media studies and political science. Media frames have been traditionally extracted via manual content and discourse analysis. Such approach has a limited ability to deal with large text collections and is prone to subjectivity both in terms of text selection and interpretation.
AIDS Denialists and HIV-relevant Communities in Vkontakte SNS, 2014-2016
Project leader: Peter Meylakhs
The project was devoted to the representation of the HIV/AIDS issue on group pages in the VKontakte SNS, with a focus on AIDS denialaist movement communities. This movement based on the denial of the existence of HIV or of AIDS, or of their connection presents a serious problem for the public health. Influence of AIDS-denialists leads to refusal of a part of the population from testing for HIV and/or from HIV treatment. This contributes to higher mortality from AIDS and HIV-related diseases, and further spread of HIV among the populace. Therefore, an important research goal is to see how AIDS-denialists disseminate their views on the Internet and how they are positioned among other HIV-relevant groups.
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